This is a report of 250 words or less about the experiment. It should be written in the past tense without the use of any personal pronouns. Following are parts that should be included in this formal report.
NOTE: If the abstract is being prepared for a regional, state, or national science fair, it will need to be in paragraph form and on an official form.
Problem: A statement about the project including the independent variable, dependent variable, and constant factors.
Procedure: Brief statement of how the experiment was performed
Results: Brief statement of what happened. Basically a summary of the data.
Conclusion: State the hypothesis and whether or not the data supported or did not support the hypothesis.
Errors: State two errors that did/or could have occurred that would affect the data. If the experimental data did not support your hypothesis, this is where you would provide reasons why.
Improvements: State how the experiment could be improved.
Application: State how the results of experiment could be used in everyday life.
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