Chemistry: Project Topics
- You cannot depend on any of the following statements being true.
- For each ask yourself these inquiry questions.
1. I wonder….Is that really true?
2. I wonder… How can I find out?
- Now you need to research the topic. Read about it. Ask people in the know, such as your teacher, parents, librarian, etc…
- If you can think of an experiment to answer the questions, then you have a science topic.
Facts or Fiction?
1. Salt sprinkled on icy causes the ice to melt.
2. More sugar will dissolve in warm water than in cold water.
3. Lemon juice squeezed on cut fruit keeps the fruit from turning brown.
4. Jello will not gel if fresh pineapples is mixed with it.
5. Buttermilk and baking soda can be used instead of baking powder.
6. Detergent can be used in a recipe instead of an egg.
7. Copper bowls are better for beating egg whites.
Chemistry Questions
1. What effect does mood have on the color of a mood ring?
2. What effect does shortning have on the formation of glutin?
Guide to the Best Science Fair Projects
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