Lifters: I Wonder…How Does a Bug Walk?
As a bug walks, three legs support the weight of the body while the other three legs swing forward to a new position. To walk like a grasshopper, ant, or ladybug try this:ig.
With two friends, you can model how insects walk.
Discover for Yourself

* Adult step Write the numbers 1 through 6 on labels. Place the labels on the children’s shoes as shown.
* Form a line with two friends, one behind the other. Place your hands on each others shoulders.
* Adult step Instruct the children to walk using the feet that you tell them to lift.
1. First lift and move forward feet 1, 3 and 5.
2. Next, lift and move forward feet 2, 4 and 6.
3. Repeat the steps several times.
More Later, Janice
For more fun see,
“Janice’s Teaching the Fun of Science to Young Learners“
The book is designed to help young students catch the “science bug”
Teaching the Fun of Science to Young Learners
The book’s 75 lessons and reproducible activities touch on all areas of science and provide the key to a world of science magic and mystery. While kids will have fun doing the activities and learning to love science, they are also being encouraged to develop other skills, including reading, writing, math, and art.
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