DHMO --dihydrogen monoxide- is just another name for WATER. Yes, WATER, the nutrient we must have to live. Please help me notify everyone that DHMO is water. It angers me that someone is playing a very bad joke on people who do not understand how chemicals are named and how symbols are used as shorthand for different chemicals.
Why All Americans Need a Better Understanding of Chemistry
I have cut a section from an article about what is being touted as a very dangerous chemical. The name of this life threatening chemical is DHMO, dihydroxymonoxide.
What is DHMO?
DHMO or dihydroxymonoxide’s chemical formula has two hydrogens (di-hydrogen) and one oxygen (mono-oxide). Using the symbols H for hydrogen and O for oxygen, the chemical formula for DHMO is H2O.
H2O is the chemical formula for water–
I am angry about the incorrect information in the article because it perpetuates:
the INCORRECT idea that all chemicals are bad–
the FALSE idea that chemicals are dangerous and harmful to our health
The article promotes FEAR! Distrust of government officials.
I challenge all Americans to be on the alert for such scare propaganda that some one has used the internet to spread. We can use the same internet to notify each other of the truth.
I encourage you to look at the following section of the DHMO article WITH MY ADDED NOTES.
Then, with the knowledge
that DHMO is WATER– read the entire article. It is shocking what the article is promoting and even has a donation button so $ can be given to promote the removal of WATER.
I hope you join me in screaming as loudly as possible via any and all social networks that DHMO is WATER.