Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a stream of photons each traveling at the speed of light. Photons are massless bundles of light energy. The higher the energy of photons the more they behave as particles and can be harmful. The symbol shown with what looks like three blades of a fan notifies you that the radiation […]
Question: What causes some objects to glow under a black light? Black lights give off Ultraviolet A light, which is a type of high-energy invisible light (radiation). Photons are packets of light energy. UV light photons have a higher energy than do the photons for visible light. Materials that glow under a black light contain […]
Question: Why do scorpions glow under a black light? Answers: The scorpion has phosphors in its exoskeleton. A phosphor is a term used to describe any substance that can absorbs UV radiation and release visible light. Both UV radiation (light) and visible light are forms of electromagnetic radiation-EMR. The UV light has much higher energy […]
Question: What is a Photon? Answer: Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that is released by an atom. This energy is made up of many small particle-like packets that have energy and momentum but no mass. These particles, called photons, are the most basic units of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is often referred to […]